SRP 2016 Kick Off: Get Into the Game: READ!

Happy Summer fellow library friends! The time we plan for all year is finally here: SUMMER READING.

Most of us are using a variation a Sports theme this summer. Our system went with the slogan: Get Into The Game: Read!

I’m not athletically inclined so I wasn’t too into the theme. I decided to steer our Kick Off Party towards a game theme. Here’s what I did for our party:

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Family Program: Dino Dig

I got it together this year and planned out a family program to take place during Spring Break. I wasn’t sure how many people would come so I planned for quite a few people and had multiple stations for people to work at. It was a huge success! I had over 30 people come and everyone had a blast.

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Teen Program: Touch Screen Gloves

Teen Program

Crafts can be fun but I’ve always enjoyed the idea of making something that can actually be useful. When I came across this program from Teen Librarian Toolbox last year, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Your full how-to can be found on the link above.

Verdict: As you might have guessed, no one showed again. I was bummed because I was wanting to make my own pair. Well, I’ve got a kit made up so I can pull it out if I need a quick program for teens.

This might even be a good kit to make for yourself to take to outreach. There’s not a lot of stuff needed. You can even make mini-kits to hand out with library information?